Studies in Revelation
(1) Revelation for Dummies (1): You are Here!
(2) Revelation for Dummies (2): The Christian Empire
(3) Revelation for Dummies (3): The Latin Golden Age
(4) Revelation for Dummies (4): The Greek Empire (& Latin Dark Ages)
(5) Revelation for Dummies (5): Eastern Expansion / Western Collapse / Islam
(6) Revelation for Dummies (6): The Great Martyrdom / Tribulation
(7) The Two Beasts in Revelation: Vatican vs. Islam ?
(8) The Seven Trumpets: Literal Interpretations gain plausibility in 21st cent.
Charts and Diagrams:
The following outline for Revelation is borrowed with small modifications from D. Wallace's study (
Outline of Revelation
I. The Things Past: Christ (1:1-20)
A. Introduction (1:1-8)
1. Prologue (1:1-3)
2. Salutation (1:4-8)
B. The Vision of Christ (1:9-20)
1. The Setting (1:9-11)
2. The Scene (1:12-16)
3. The Subsequent Response and Commission (1:17-20)
II. The Things Present: The Churches (2:1–3:22)
A. The Message to Ephesus (2:1-7)
B. The Message to Smyrna (2:8-11)
C. The Message to Pergamum (2:12-17)
D. The Message to Thyatira (2:18-29)
E. The Message to Sardis (3:1-6)
F. The Message to Philadelphia (3:7-13)
G. The Message to Laodicea (3:14-22)
III. The Things Future: The Consummation (4:1–22:21)
The Tribulation Period (4:1–18:24)
A. Introduction: The Vision of Heaven (4:1–5:14)
1. Throne of the Lord God Almighty (4:1-11)
2. Book of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah (5:1-14)
B. The Seven Seal Judgments (6:1–8:1)
1. 1st Seal - White Horse - Conquest (6:1-2)
2. 2nd Seal - Red Horse - Warfare (6:3-4)
3. 3rd Seal - Black Horse - Famine (6:5-6)
4. 4rth Seal - Pale Horse - Death (6:7-8)
5. 5th Seal - Consoling of the Martyrs (6:9-11)
6. 6th Seal - Black Sun - Red Moon (6:12-17)
(1st Parenthesis: 144,000 Israelites & Multitude [7:1-17])
a. The Sealing of the 144,000 (7:1-8)
b. Worship of Tribulation Saints (7:9-17)
7. 7th Seal - The Hour of Silence (8:1)
C. The Seven Trumpet Judgments (8:2–11:19)
Intro: Prayers of the Saints (8:2-6)
Intro: Prayers of the Saints (8:2-6)
1. 1st Trumpet - Hail of Fire - 1/3 of trees (8:7)
2. 2nd Trumpet - Asteroid - 1/3 of the Sea (8:8-9)
3. 3rd Trumpet - Wormwood - 1/3 Waters (8:10-11)
4. 4th Trumpet - Darkness - 1/3 Sun/Moon (8:12-13)
5. 5th Trumpet - The Abyss Woe - Demons (9:1-12)
6. 6th Trumpet - The Great War - 1/3 slain (9:13-21)
(2nd Parenthesis: Little Book/2 Witnesses [10:1–11:14])
a. The Little Book Sealed till Endtime (10:1-11)
b. The Two Witnesses - Last warning (11:1-14)
7. 7th Trumpet - The DAY OF JUDGEMENT (11:15-19)
(3rd Parenthesis: The Woman and the War [12:1-18])
a. The Birth of the Male Child (12:1-6)
b. The War in Heaven (12:7-12)
c. The Persecution of the Woman (12:13-18)
(4th Parenthesis: The Two Beasts [13:1-18])
a. The Beast out of the Sea (13:2-10)
b. The Beast out of the Land (13:11-18)
(5th Parenthesis: The Judgment by the Lamb [14:1-20])
a. The 144,000 Worshippers of the Lamb (14:1-5)
b. Three Angelic Judgments (14:6-12)
1) Against the Whole Earth (14:6-7)
2) Against Babylon (14:8)
3) Against Beast Worshippers (14:9-12)
c. Blessing for Martyrs (14:13)
d. The Reaper of Judgment (14:14-16)
e. The Vintage of Judgment (14:17-20)
D. The Seven Bowl Judgments (15:1–18:24)
1. The Great Judgments Announced (15:1–16:21)
a. Intro to the Bowl Judgments (15:1–16:1)
1) Song of Moses: Martyrs (15:1-4)
2) Heavenly Scene: 7 Angels (15:5–16:1)
b. 1st Bowl - Curse of Beast-mark (16:2)
c. 2nd Bowl - Sea to Blood - Death (16:3)
d. 3rd Bowl - Water to Blood -poison(16:4-7)
e. 4th Bowl - Burning Sun - plague (16:8-9)
f. 5th Bowl - Darkness - on Earth (16:10-11)
g. 6th Bowl - Rivers Dried Up - (16:12-16)
h. 7th Bowl - Armageddon -Hail (16:17-21)
(Sixth Parenthesis: ?)
2. Great Harlot Judged (17:1-18)
2. Great Harlot Judged (17:1-18)
a. The Vision of the Harlot (17:1-6)
b. Interpretation of the Vision (17:7-18)
1) The Present Status (17:7-8)
2) The Future Judgment (17:9-18)
a) The Seven Heads (17:9-11)
b) The Ten Horns (17:12-14)
c) The Harlot (17:15-18)
(Seventh Parenthesis: ?)
3. The Great City Fallen (18:1-24)
a. Announcement of Babylon’s Fall (18:1-3)
b. The Cause of the Fall (18:4-8)
c. The Lamentation over the Fall (18:9-19)
1) By Kings (18:9-10)
2) By Merchants (18:11-17)
3) By Sea Captains (18:18-19)
d. The Rejoicing Over the Fall (18:20)
e. The Results of the Fall (18:21-24)
E. The Seven Last Things (19:1–22:5)
The Millennial Kingdom (19:1–20:15)
Praise for Judgment, Wedding of Bride (19:1-10)
a. The Harlot’s Judgment (19:1-5)
b. The Bride’s Wedding (19:6-10)
1. First Last Thing: Second Coming of Christ (19:11-16)
2. Second Last Thing: The Supper / Slaughter (19:17-21)
3. Third Last Thing: The Binding of Satan (20:1-3)
4. Fourth Last Thing: Kingdom of the Messiah (20:4-6)
5. Fifth Last Thing: The Loosing of Satan (20:7-10)
6. Sixth Last Thing: The Great White Throne (20:11-15)
The Eternal State (21:1–22:5)
7. Seventh Last Thing: New Heaven / Earth (21:1–22:5)
a. The Visions Declared (21:1-2)
b. New Heaven / Earth: Declared from Throne (21:1-8)
c. The New Jerusalem: Seen by John (21:9–22:5)
1) The New City (21:9-21)
2) The “Non-Temple” (21:22-27)
3) The River of Life (22:1-3a)
4) The Light of the Lamb (22:3b-5)
F. Epilogue (22:6-21)
1. The Testimony of the Angel (22:6-11)
2. The Testimony of Jesus (22:12-17)
3. The Testimony of John (22:18-21)
"The book of Revelation virtually outlines itself, provided that one sees 1:19 as a key to the book (as those of the futurist school would). The outline employed in this paper is a modification of what was learned from S. Lewis Johnson, Jr., in the course “The Book of Revelation” (Dallas Seminary, 1976). Once one gets into the main section of the book (chapters 4–22) there is some discrepancy in how to outline the material, viz., either chronologically (tribulation, millennial kingdom, eternal state), or by the arrangement of “sevens.” As we have contended all along concerning the outline of the various NT books, a prioritized linear approach only sees half a picture. To compensate for this, we will highlight the secondary outline in italics (as we did Paul’s missionary journeys in Acts), even though it will not constitute a formal part of the outline." (D. Wallace, ibid.)
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